If you didn’t think about food/weight/body, what would you do with your time?

(And an even bigger question: who would you be without these “issues”?)

A client once who said to me…

“If I’m not researching diets, prepping grocery lists, buying books, and thinking about my meals all day, I don’t know what I would do. It truly feels like a full time job!”

I had a fear when I first started on this path.

If I wasn’t obsessing over my body, what I ate (or what I was going to eat), or concerned about my weight, what would I think or talk about? 

This can sound weird when we say it out loud.

We think, “of course I want to heal from these issues!”. But what if we have an underlying fear that there will be nothing left once we’re “fixed”…?

The fear around “what happens when we don’t have these food struggles” is a real thing.

Which is why I’m talking about it!

Tune in here.

Wanna dive in to the 21 day non-diet, normal eater, feel-in-control-around-food event?! All the info is here.

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