Do you ever get overwhelmed by the amount of diet information out there (and all of the conflicting information like: “dairy is good for you”, “no, steer clear of dairy!” or “sugar in moderation is fine”, “no, don’t eat any sugar at all!”).

This podcast episode is inspired by my own internal conflict and overwhelm.

This last week, I had a mental battle with myself about what I wanted to eat vs what someone else said I should eat. It created some serious angst!

Let’s say we hear about intermittent fasting, someone raves about it, and we go down the google rabbit hole. 

We may get seduced by the health benefits or the weight loss aspect or something else…

But then we feel a rebellion, a “no way am I not eating for 10 hours or cutting out sugar”.

And an internal battle starts to simmer within us.

I had this happen this last week. I’m sharing more about it in today’s podcast. (I also give you the one question I recommend asking yourself when you’re confused about all the diet info out there!)

What is the one question that will cut through the all the nutrition (and internet) noise? 

Tune in here:

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