Rebelling Around Food

Rebelling Around Food

Download This Episode Are you feeling the pressure of “eating perfectly”? Or do you sometimes just want to say “screw it” and eat ice cream every night for dinner? Tune in for today’s episode where we talk about REBELLION (oooh that feels...

How Do You Actually Accept Your Body?

We’ve been having a lot of discussion lately in The Normal Eater’s Club around body acceptance.  And some of the ladies have been asking, “but HOW do you actually accept your body?!” We know we’re supposed to work on body acceptance if we...

Banish Your “Love” Affair with the Scale

I remember my obsessive affair with the scale.  Every morning, I would hop on the scale to weigh myself.  And every afternoon, I would weigh myself again after working out. If that number went up even a half a pound, it sent me into a self-induced panic.  Irrational...

Satisfaction From Within

I read some staggering statistics yesterday. 50% of commercials aimed at girls spoke about physical attractiveness. Each year, the average adolescent sees over 5,260 advertisements mentioning attractiveness. Four out of five women in the US are dissatisfied with their...

4 Helpful Hints to Deal with Discomfort

Last week’s blog discussed bringing awareness to all of the ways we use food to escape life’s uncomfortable feelings and situations. When we become mindful of how eating to ease stress, boredom, frustration, and anxiety can become a destructive habit in our...

The Uncomfortable Side of Life

So much of disordered eating is dealing with discomfort.  No matter where you are on the spectrum, from mild emotional eating to a full blown eating disorder, many of the obstacles and hurdles on this path involve being able to deal with uncomfortable feelings,...

Combat Excess Holiday Eating

Tis the season to overindulge. Yes, it’s that time of year again. The holiday season is upon us. Everywhere we look we are inundated with interminable opportunities to satisfy our sweet tooth.  Thanksgiving pies, stocking stuffers, holiday cookie exchanges, work...

Those Darn “Shoulds”

The incessant “shoulds”…the things we think we “should” be doing with our lives. I was looking back through my journal I kept while living in Ecuador, and came across the following entry: I am 27, what “should” I be doing? I should be married, I should be in a serious...

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