You Get Jealous of Someone’s Body. Here’s What To Do

You Get Jealous of Someone’s Body. Here’s What To Do

We've all been there. When you see someone who has a figure you'd kill for and you get insanely jealous. It could be that you see someone super fit in your class at the gym, ...or you run into someone you know who lost a lot of weight, ...or encounter a friend of a...

Jealous of Someone’s Body? Remember This!

Jealous of Someone’s Body? Remember This!

You know that moment when you see someone super fit at the gym, run into someone you know who lost a lot of weight or encounter a woman who has that "perfect" body...and you get insanely jealous? ("If only I had HER body, I'd feel more confident, accept my self, and...

Do You Think You’re Too Fat For Your Partner?

Do You Think You’re Too Fat For Your Partner?

Written by Jenn Hand, Holistic Nutritionist, Board Certified Health Coach, NBC-HWC Let’s jump right into this topic today! Do you think you’re too fat for your partner? Do you think to yourself sometimes, "I feel too fat for my husband!" Here’s the thing: when we...

Think You’re Too Fat For Your Partner?

Think You’re Too Fat For Your Partner?

So here's the thing: when we feel awful about our bodies, when the reflection that stares back at us in the mirror is not what we want, one teeny thought can creep in: "I'm too fat for my partner" In today's episode, I'm sharing a story about the time I dated a...

If You Didn’t Fear Weight Gain, What Would You Eat?

If You Didn’t Fear Weight Gain, What Would You Eat?

This is sort of a trick question...because there really is no right or wrong answer 🙂 Here it is: if you didn't fear weight gain, what would you eat? If calories didn't count, if no food "made" you gain weight, if there weren't "good or bad" categories, what would...

When You Can’t Break Out of the Binge Cycle…

When You Can’t Break Out of the Binge Cycle…

You know those times when it seems like no matter what you do, you just cannot break out of the binge cycle? You swear on everything you own that you won't do it tomorrow, but then come 7 pm all of your willpower goes out the window and you cannot stop wandering...

Trusting Yourself Around Food

Trusting Yourself Around Food

How do we begin to develop the elusive trust with food? Those of us who've struggled with dieting & bingeing often struggle with trust. I mean, we diet, because we need more CONTROL! So what's the secret to trust? How do we start to trust ourselves? Find out in...

Turn To Food For Comfort?

Turn To Food For Comfort?

For those of us who’ve struggled with body, eating or weight issues, food can become our comfort. We turn to food in times of sadness, to soothe our souls, to make us feel better, or to find a reprieve from the busy world. Do you turn to food for comfort?  Then...

Hi, I’m Jenn Hand

I’m an emotional eating and binge eating coach helping women stop the binge-restrict cycle, lose weight holistically, and experience food freedom!

CLICK HERE for coaching info>>




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